Dressing the new World: The Trade and the Culture of Clothing in the New Spanish Colonies 1600-1800.

F. Gerard Jollain (1717) Paris, BNF, Estampes et photographie, EST QB-1(1717) Source Gallica bnf.fr/Bibliotheque nationale de France
The Trade Indians from Mexico do with French on the Trading post in Mississipi, F. Gérard Jollain (1717). Paris, BNF, Estampes et photographie, EST QB-1(1717)
Source Gallica bnf.fr/Bibliothèque nationale de France
North and Central America. Nicolas de Fer (1713). GE C 24281 (RES) BNF, Cartes et plans.
North and Central America,
Nicolas de Fer (1713). Paris, BNF, Cartes et plans, GE C 24281 (RES)

What effect did the successful marketing of European products have on the New World at the beginning of the 18th century? And how should one go about studying the European Fashion and Textiles that transformed the way people dressed in the Spanish colonies? Continue reading Dressing the new World: The Trade and the Culture of Clothing in the New Spanish Colonies 1600-1800.